Wednesday, October 30, 2024
1:00 PM ET

Hackers don’t necessarily need fancy malware or zero days to get into an environment, they can sneak in through the very tools we trust every day. Imagine a routine update to something as common and benign as QuickBooks, but with a twist—it's been tampered with to hide a threat. Cunning strategies like this can fool even the most experienced IT pros and often go unnoticed until it's too late.

The role of a Security Operations Center (SCO) extends beyond simple monitoring—it involves proactive engagement with emerging threats and ongoing adaptation to the evolving landscape. A truly effective SOC is not just a team of people, but a collection of expertise, where analysts do more than respond to threats; they anticipate and neutralize them before they can cause harm.

Join us for our next webinar where we’ll chat through:

Tradecraft: How hackers sneak in through legitimate apps and why it’s such a clever trick.

  • War stories: We’ll share stories ranging from the simple to the most sneaky, including a case where the victim couldn’t believe they had fallen victim even after the threat was exposed!
  • We’ll also talk about how ĢTV spots these issues and what you can do to lower your chances of getting hit.

It’s going to be a great session with tons of insights on keeping your network safe. Hope to see you there!

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